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Do I need an appointment?


Yes!  The salon is appointment only.  Keep in mind that coveted appointments such as evenings and Saturdays can book 3-4 weeks in advance.  Only one groupon is booked per day so please call before purchasing and consider one of the "in-house" specials. You will ALWAYS receive a confirmation before your appointment, please inform me if you cannot keep your appointment.  There are times where I do have a waitlist for Brazilian Blowout appointments.

Do you accept credit cards?


Yes! Cash and checks are dearly appreciated but I understand that isn't always an option.

I'm scheduled for a Brazilian Blowout, now what?


Come in however you feel comfortable. I have to wash the hair multiple times to prepare for the treatment.  You can color your hair any time before your Brazilian Blowout but YOU CANNOT COLOR AFTERWARDS FOR TWO WEEKS. When we finish the service you can wash your hair whenever you are ready.  The treatment should last any where between 10-16 weeks.  You MUST use SALON GRADE SULFATE FREE SHAMPOO.  I have products available for purchase and the quality of your shampoo will make a difference in the longevity of the blowout.


The Brazilian Blowout is a FRIZZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.  It will not straighten your hair but it may lessen the curl.  It will cut your styling time in half, it is heat responsive therefore the best results are from blow drying the hair.  You will need to style your hair, there is only so much I can do chemically and physically.

Can I park at Sprouts?


Yes, we only advise against it during the La Mesa Village Oktoberfest. Try and take advantage of the spots directly behind the salon.

Is there formaldehyde in the blowout?


NO NO NO!!! If not performed by a certified Brazilian Blowout tech, you run the risk of a poorly executed treatment which could compromise the results and your health.  The blowout is an amazing product with amazing results any further questions I recommend a phone or in person consultation.

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